Publisher Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources
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Access and egressMeans of entry and exit to a building
Table Title
Access and egress: Access and egressMeans of entry and exit to a building: Means of entry and exit to a building.
Access and egress: AccessibleMeans of entry and exit to a building: When a public building or place is accessible it means people can easily move in, out and around the building or space. Accessibility may be limited by physical, sensory and informational barriers.
Access and egress: Access consultantMeans of entry and exit to a building: A specialist consultant who is trained to identify potential accessibility issues and provide advice on legal obligations.
Access and egress: Access panelMeans of entry and exit to a building: A panel of experts who provide guidance to builders and developers about unjustifiable hardship issues.
Access and egress: Bindi MapsMeans of entry and exit to a building: A free mobile application that helps people find their way around indoor spaces that other navigation apps can't reach.
Access and egress: Blue Badge MapMeans of entry and exit to a building: Worldwide map and database of accessible (Blue Badge) carparking spaces
Access and egress: Building certifierMeans of entry and exit to a building: A person with responsibility for, or control over, the building approval process for a building. For example, a private certifier, building surveyor or local council.
Access and egress: Building developerMeans of entry and exit to a building: A person with responsibility for, or control over, a building’s design or construction. For example, a property developer, property owner, building designer, builder, project manager or project lessee.
Message from the Minister
Review at a glance
About the 2021 review

The terms of reference (ToR) for the 2021 review were informed by stakeholders’ feedback during the initial discovery phase of the review. The responsible ministers for the review agreed to the ToR on 4 February 2021.

Terms of reference


We undertook the 2021 review in 3 phases to target new stakeholders (participants living with disability who may not usually participate) and established stakeholders. We also conducted a literature review to explore policy options and implementation outcomes in other countries.

The 2021 review implemented quantitative and qualitative data capture processes. These let us standardise and analyse insights from the first and second reviews (and any future reviews) to drive more evidence-based policy and decision making. All submissions were recorded in a table and then analysed manually (by reading, coding and analysing every submission) and via an artificial intelligence powered platform.

Submissions often raised issues across multiple key themes. Key themes were broken down into sub-themes, which were further broken down into categories. This allowed the review team to identify issues that intersect across multiple themes.

This approach informed the review’s understanding of the impact of specific issues across disability types, age groups and building types.

“It’s good to see lots of improvements with technology, but the community are not educated about new types of accessible toilets. 
I have never been in one before, and I think that other deafblind people might be in the same situation. There’s no education about the new accessibility.”
- Attribution

Review process: discover, consult and engage


The second phase of the review started on 22 February 2021 and finished on 30 April 2021. It was designed to draw out views on specific issues with the Premises Standards and opportunities for improvement.

We made the consultation paper available in an accessible Easy Read format. Submissions during the second phase of consultation provided more detailed and technical information compared to the discovery phase.

Throughout the first and second phases of consultation, we received a total of 251 submissions from the online survey, emails, letters, audio and video, and telephone submissions. 69.3% of the submissions were received from organisations while 30.7% of the submissions were from individuals. Out of the 251 submissions too, 80.89% submissions were received from the disability sector, 9.2% from building industry and 10% from the government sectors.

“It’s good to see lots of improvements with technology, but the community are not educated about new types of accessible toilets. 
I have never been in one before, and I think that other deafblind people might be in the same situation. There’s no education about the new accessibility.”
- Attribution

Figure 1: Key themes identified in the discovery phase

“It’s good to see lots of improvements with technology, but the community are not educated about new types of accessible toilets. 
I have never been in one before, and I think that other deafblind people might be in the same situation. There’s no education about the new accessibility.”
- Attribution
Appendix A: Documents referenced 
by the Premises Standards
PartTitleProvisions of Access CodeCurrent ref. versionYear
Table Title
Part: Part 1Title: General requirements for access – New building work (incorporating amendments 1 and 2)Provisions of Access Code: A1.1, D3.1, D3.2, D3.3, D3.6, D3.8, D3.9, D3.10, D3.12, D5.2, D5.3, F2.4Current ref. version: 2009Year: 2021
Part: Part 1Title: General requirements for access – New building work (incorporating amendments 1 and 2)Provisions of Access Code: A1.1, D3.1, D3.2, D3.3, D3.6, D3.8, D3.9, D3.10, D3.12, D5.2, D5.3, F2.4Current ref. version: 2009Year: 2021
Part: Part 1Title: General requirements for access – New building work (incorporating amendments 1 and 2)Provisions of Access Code: A1.1, D3.1, D3.2, D3.3, D3.6, D3.8, D3.9, D3.10, D3.12, D5.2, D5.3, F2.4Current ref. version: 2009Year: 2021
Part: Part 1Title: General requirements for access – New building work (incorporating amendments 1 and 2)Provisions of Access Code: A1.1, D3.1, D3.2, D3.3, D3.6, D3.8, D3.9, D3.10, D3.12, D5.2, D5.3, F2.4Current ref. version: 2009Year: 2021
Part: Part 1Title: General requirements for access – New building work (incorporating amendments 1 and 2)Provisions of Access Code: A1.1, D3.1, D3.2, D3.3, D3.6, D3.8, D3.9, D3.10, D3.12, D5.2, D5.3, F2.4Current ref. version: 2009Year: 2021
Part: Part 1Title: General requirements for access – New building work (incorporating amendments 1 and 2)Provisions of Access Code: A1.1, D3.1, D3.2, D3.3, D3.6, D3.8, D3.9, D3.10, D3.12, D5.2, D5.3, F2.4Current ref. version: 2009Year: 2021