The Emissions Reduction Assurance Committee (ERAC) is an independent statutory committee established under the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011.
assesses method determinations to ensure they comply with the Offsets Integrity Standards set out in the Act
advises the Minister on whether to make, vary or revoke method determinations based on their assessment of their compliance with the Offsets Integrity Standards
undertake periodic reviews and crediting period extension reviews of methods
considers feedback from public consultation on method determinations
undertakes public consultation on periodic and crediting period extension reviews
advises the Minister and the department Secretary on the outcomes of reviews and method determination assessments
Advice provided to the Minister by the ERAC is published with consultation information for each method.
Periodic method reviews: finalised methods are reviewed by the ERAC. The ERAC examines whether the method is still compliant with the Offsets Integrity Standards.
Crediting period extension reviews: projects have crediting periods set out in their respective method. The ERAC considers whether a method should have its reporting period extended. The ERAC’s decision is based on whether the projects registered under the method are still achieving a carbon abatement that is unlikely to happen in the ordinary course of events. Crediting periods can only be extended once.
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All reviews have a period of public consultation. ERAC considers submissions and advises the Minister on the outcome of their reviews. If the review recommends changes to a method—a variation—these changes will be:
drafted by the Clean Energy Regulator
assessed by the ERAC
subject to further public consultation
The Clean Energy Regulator is responsible for the consultation process. See previous consultations and reviews on our department’s Consultation Hub.
Projects can still be registered with the Clean Energy Regulator while a method is under review unless the ERAC has issued a legislative instrument under section 27A of the Act suspending applications under the method.
Periodic method reviews: finalised methods are reviewed by the ERAC. The ERAC examines whether the method is still compliant with the Offsets Integrity Standards.
Crediting period extension reviews: projects have crediting periods set out in their respective method. The ERAC considers whether a method should have its reporting period extended. The ERAC’s decision is based on whether the projects registered under the method are still achieving a carbon abatement that is unlikely to happen in the ordinary course of events. Crediting periods can only be extended once.
All reviews have a period of public consultation. ERAC considers submissions and advises the Minister on the outcome of their reviews. If the review recommends changes to a method—a variation—these changes will be:
drafted by the Clean Energy Regulator
assessed by the ERAC
subject to further public consultation
The Clean Energy Regulator is responsible for the consultation process. See previous consultations and reviews on our department’s Consultation Hub.
Projects can still be registered with the Clean Energy Regulator while a method is under review unless the ERAC has issued a legislative instrument under section 27A of the Act suspending applications under the method.
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