The global rules and elements which govern the appearance, structure and behaviour of components.
The global rules and elements which govern the appearance, structure and behaviour of components.
G1 - G4 are accessible against white. G5 - G9 are accessible against black.
V5 - V8 are accessible against black.
R1 - R4 are accessible against white. R5 - R9 are accessible against black.
P1 - P4 are accessible against white. P5 - P9 are accessible against black.
B1 - B4 are accessible against white. B5 - B9 are accessible against black.
O1 - O4 are accessible against white. O5 - O9 are accessible against black.
K1 - K4 are accessible against white. K5 - K9 are accessible against black.
The data palette is used for graphs and data charts. Use these colours in order, starting with D1.